Revive Customs

Air Jordan 5: “Rocket Science” for Flo Rida by Revive Customs

October 4, 2013 BY / 0 0 / 5

Perhaps the name was coined before the custom scene exploded, but we doubt that customs need anymore reviving with the amount of impeccable one offs that we see on a weekly basis. Rega...Read More

Air Jordan IV: “What the Fake” Customs by Revive

November 20, 2012 BY / 0 0 / 5

We’ve all seen it before-some gut wrenching all-over print look slapped onto a retro and touted as a retail release at some accidentally stumbled upon Air Jordan hawking website....Read More

Air Jordan IV: "What the Fake" Customs by Revive

November 20, 2012 BY / 0 0 / 5

We’ve all seen it before-some gut wrenching all-over print look slapped onto a retro and touted as a retail release at some accidentally stumbled upon Air Jordan hawking website....Read More

Air Jordan V: “Corona” Customs by Revive

September 18, 2012 BY / 0 4.67 / 5

While the Nike SB branch of Beaverton has brushed up against its fair share of adult beverages from time to time the Jordan Brand side of things has not, rarely reaching out with that ...Read More

Air Jordan X: “Hanes” Customs by Revive

June 20, 2012 BY / 0 0 / 5

These days one of the few brands that MJ still lends his likeness to aside from that that he himself runs is Hanes. His longstanding partnership with that maker of basics is celebrated...Read More

